Bioclean Aquarium a natural fish tank cleaner is a consortium of beneficial bacteria and enzymes that cleans the water in the aquarium. It degrades organic matter like uneaten fish feed and fish excreta in the aquarium, it controls pathogenic bacteria and reduces the need for frequent water changes. It is also effective at odour control and reducing ammonia levels in water.
Bioclean Aquarium is a Natural Fish Tank Cleaner, it is non toxic and completely safe for your fish. This natural Fish tank cleaner helps in degrading the left-over fish feed and fish excreta thereby clearing the organic matter in the water. Bioclean Aquarium is a Natural Fish Tank Cleaner and is therefore safe for all kinds of plants in your aquarium.
Take a scoop of Bioclean Aquarium (scoop provided in container) for a fish tank of up to 100 ltrs. Mix the product in a glass of water and pour the solution in the tank. The fish tank cleaner will begin its work.
Note: It is recommended to keep the filter functioning while using this Natural Fish tank cleaner, this helps in better circulation of the product.
Improves water clarity by degrading fish waste.
Reduces algae formation & keep fish tank clean from algae
Controls ammonia and foul odour.
Increases oxygen availability and keeps fish active.
Protects fish against secondary infections.
Reduces water change frequency.